Amidst a pandemic that has irrevocably altered our sense of time, we find a new rhythm—a blend of unified monotony and vibrant personal tales. This duality forms the essence of the ICON project.
Under the leadership of Sara Raffo and with the assistance of Leah Ray, the CCA Graphic Design Tools Fall 2023 students have embarked on a quest to capture their collective altered experiences into a visual compendium of personal ICONS.These ICONS extend beyond mere symbols; they are vessels for ephemeral memories, each one transforming the daily into a shared tapestry of experience.
Design Narrative
This book confronts the initial perception of life as homogeneous, revealing beneath its surface a mosaic of complexity and hue. It stands as a celebration of the hidden depths and colorful narratives that animate our existence, offering a window into the multifaceted lives that compose our community.
Zine Design: Leah Ray
ICON Design: Students of CCA Graphic Design Tools Fall 2023
1.25*1.25 inches